The Sanskrit names of the postures, Jathara Parivartanasana and revolved, provide you with a clue as to what they mean. On the yoga mat, you’ll find this supine position that requires you to twist your abdomen while you lay down. Simply by bending your legs to one side, you can twist your body into a revolved or twisted position. Your legs should be flat on the floor while you twist your neck to face the opposite side.

Regular practice of this asana will help tone the abdominal muscles and back. It aids in the secretion of the hormones that make you feel good. Incorporate this pose into your yoga routine after a challenging practice or as a wind down for the day. This position is also known as the abdominal twist.

To achieve excellent form in this asana, you need to adhere to a few rules.

Methods for Executing Jathara Parivartanasana

  • Beginning in a supine position is required. Straighten up your body, especially your legs and spine.
  • Now, with your palms facing down toward the floor, extend your arms out to the sides of your body at shoulder level. Assuming a T-shape, the body takes this form.
  • To do this, first get your legs up off the ground, then bend them at the knees, and lastly put your feet on the floor.
  • When you’re ready, exhale and shift your weight to your right side by bringing your knees together at the waist.
  • Concurrently, you need to tilt your head and face to the left. Keep your balance for a few counts.
  • As you take a breath in, raise your legs off the ground and direct your gaze towards the center. Bend at the knees and keep your back straight.
  • When it’s your turn, breathe out and bring your bowed legs to a leftward angle. Direct the head in a rightward direction. The position needs to be maintained for a while.
  • Take a deep breath in, straighten your legs, and bring your head back to the center.
  • Make sure your feet are flat on the floor.
  • Last but not least, put your hands on either side of your body and lengthen your legs. Rest easy with this posture.

You must carry out these asanas while the instructor is observing. Finding a reputable yoga school in Goa, India to teach you yoga poses is a must. The top yoga instructors will also show you how to get into a state of readiness for the final pose by teaching you some preparatory poses.

What is the best way for a beginner to begin practicing Jathara Parivartanasana?

Getting into crucial positions that necessitate twisting of the spine is usually a challenge for novices. At all times, make sure your shoulders are touching the floor. When your neck feels stiff, it’s best not to turn your head either. By enrolling in a certified yoga school in Goa, India, you can receive the necessary instruction to perform these postures correctly.

The use of props can also be helpful. While they are a great asset to yoga, some practitioners feel embarrassed to use them.

  • If you want to turn your legs towards the floor while doing this, you can place blocks between your knees. The sacrum and lower back will be better balanced as a result. Squeezing the block between your knees can help you rotate your lower back more effectively.
  • With the help of a folded blanket, place your hands on your hips and pelvis and bring your knees up to your chest. Having a support system under your body might also help you avoid injuries.
  • Use a cushion or bolster to help you twist your body while you put your knees on the floor. The compression on the spine will be improved.

Important Cautionary Points

A few things need to be considered before beginning to practice intermediate postures.

  • Do not perform Jathara Parivartanasana if you are injured at the hips, back, neck, knees, shoulders, or ankles.
  • Additionally, you should not execute this asana if you have just undergone knee or hip replacement surgery.
  • Avoid this asana as well if you suffer from a hernia.
  • This asana is off-limits to any woman who is pregnant or has recently given birth.
  • You should also stay away from this pose if you suffer from a rheumatic disorder.
  • This asana is not recommended for people with arthritis.
  • While executing this asana, you should also be careful. While you turn your head to each side, do not lift your shoulders off the floor. Also, make sure your knees aren’t dragging along the floor of your pelvis.
  • As you descend both legs to one side, make sure to stack your ankles, knees, and hips.
  • Also, when twisting, make sure not to elevate your upper back.
  • Avoid the main asana and focus on the variants if you’re just starting out.

Alternatives of Jathara Parivartanasana

  • You are able to maintain fully extended legs in Jathara Parivartanasana B, free from knee flexion. The full Jathara Parivartanasana is another name for it.
  • Eka Pada Jathara Parivartanasana is another option. This yoga pose requires you to bend at the knee, but in a different direction than the rest of your body. The arms will remain at shoulder level, spread out to either side.
  • Another variant is to twist the legs so they’re almost touching.

Advantages of Jathara Parivartanasana

  • One of the greatest asanas, this one stretches the spine thoroughly. It helps the spine become more flexible as well.
  • The glutes, hamstrings, calves, and buttocks are all stretched out in this yoga pose. Additionally, the range of motion in the legs is enhanced.
  • While you’re in this position, you should contract your abdominal muscles. The outcome is a solid workout for the abdominal and oblique muscles.
  • Improving your digestive capacity is another benefit.
  • Furthermore, it awakens the Manipura Chakra.

At first, you should seek out the guidance of experienced yoga teachers while you perform the asana. To get the most out of it, enroll in a yoga teacher training program at India Yoga School.